For OHV/ATV Riders and Hunters!
Exploring on your OHV/ATV or looking for the perfect hunting spot? Take your ultimate mobile trail and hunting companion with you to conquer the outdoors!
► Now featuring hunting maps for deer and moose! Easily navigate to prime hunting areas with detailed terrain data and ensure youre in the best position for your hunt.
► Explore over 300,000 miles of OHV trails, over 100,000 POIs.
► Track your trips, leave breadcrumbs for easier backtracking, and get stats on your average speed, distance, and more.
► List your equipment: Keep track of distances covered on your ATV and jot down notes on each vehicle, or keep detailed logs on your hunting trips for future reference.
TrakMaps delivers a powerful mobile app for an exhilarating outdoor experience, combining off-road trail navigation with advanced hunting map features. Whether you have mobile coverage or not, the app is built to work seamlessly OFFLINE, giving you access to critical features in the field.
► Locate yourself on the map using your phones GPS signal – even in areas without cellular coverage.
► Access detailed hunting maps for deer and moose, along with trails, terrain, and more.
► View nearby essential services like restaurants, gas stations, hotels, and parking areas.
► Check trail conditions as per the last available data connection.
► Save and load your itineraries for future rides or hunts.
ONLINE FEATURES (available when you return to coverage):
► Stay up to date with live trail conditions for the best off-road and hunting experience.
► Share your location with friends to easily meet up, whether on the trails or at your hunting camp.
► Plan out and share itineraries with your group for seamless hunting trips. (Only for ATV/OHV maps)
Welcome to the all-in-one TrakMaps experience – your guide for safe and successful rides and hunts!
Note: Continued use of GPS and location sharing in the background can significantly drain battery life. Toggle it off when not needed to improve battery longevity.
OHV/ATV Content: Unlock even more with the OHV/ATV Premium Content for just $9.99/year and have the opportunity to explore over 300,000 miles of OHV trails, over 100,000 POIs across 20 States.
Moose Content: Unlock even more with the Moose Premium Content to get full access to Quebec Moose hunting zones.
Deer Content: Unlock even more with the Deer Premium Content to get full access to Quebec Deer hunting zones.
The Application Auto-renewable Subscriptions are available via your App Store account. Manage your subscription and auto-renewal preferences in your account settings.
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